Tuesday, 24 July 2012

There Is Time

There is time.
Time is needed for new knowledge.
Acquisition of new knowledge is not as instant as the internet search that provides it.

 A close friend once pointed out to me that 'knowledge gained is never a waste.' And he was absolutely right! When you actively learn something new how can it ever be a waste? You have just developed yourself by another step, you have just increased your knowledge base to a new frontier. You have experienced one of the main aspects of being human by perpetuating the cycle of inquisition that keeps us inspired about living.

So, take the time to learn that new piece of information and don't lose heart if you find that it's difficult to make it stick - you have the time to successfully embed it in your mind and further develop and utilize your amazing capacity. It will never do you any harm to learn something new. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and discover more about the world you live in, or dive into that subject that has always interested you but you just couldn't find the time for. Take your time to learn how it all comes together - remember though that this won't happen overnight, and as far as students are concerned (that includes me), you will reap what you sow in terms of how much time and effort is put into that study.

In conclusion, remember what Confucius shared:  "The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it." 


  1. Wonderful. Thanks for the encouraging words. Makes me feel better bou myself and gives me hope. Keep it up

    1. Thanks for your support Dereck, there will be more posts soon.
