Wednesday, 23 August 2017

First Kiss

Steal a kiss from the stars,
an ounce of love from the universe.
Worry not, the ether will kiss back;
A trade of the mysterious:
Can you trade that which you don't know?
Can you give up the stash of warmth inside of you,
allow it to dissolve into the cold abyss with no promise of return?

Lie back beneath the sprawling sky one night.
Lie back, terra firma your altar to eternity,
your eyes are lips to what the night’s surreal canvas has to offer:
A kiss, yes, but who is kissing whom?
That strange warmth inside of you rises now,
it seeks release and craves the cool unknown.

But wait, where will it go?
No answer from the cosmos, no.
But higher that bubble rises, more strongly it's pulled
by the gravity of orbits yet unknown.
And what shall become of you as your most treasured soul is sucked away?

This is a trade. Remember that.
Yet the swirling mass has naught to offer
but an all-consuming emptiness.
And still it rises within you, floating on…

And now it's gone.
What was it, that indescribable piece you gave away?
This was a trade… So what did arrive in return?

Wait, this was a theft! You stole a kiss from the infinite,
so what could you possibly get?

You get your love.

Your love is the starry sky at night,
the ether that orbits around you,
the universe in all its enigmatic and silent glory,
the warmth that you lock away from the cosmos.

And yet the universe is you,
just as you are it:
You are the universe’s atoms and the universe’s atoms are you.

Your love is you,
just as you are it.

Steal a kiss from the stars,
it will come back for you…

If you let it.